Tous les cafés
La Hondurita

El Salvador

On the palate, floral and delicate with aromas of tropical fruits and citrus. A soft and tangy coffee.

Sélectionnez votre mouture :
Sélectionnez votre mouture :
  • Region

    La Hondurita, El Túnel, La Palma, Chalatenango

  • Farm-Producers

    San Andres, José Alfredo Recinos

  • Botanical Variety


  • Altitude

    1750 masl

  • Process


  • Manual and selective harvest


Known as the "land of volcanoes", El Salvador is the smallest country in the Americas, but its reputation within specialty coffee is undeniable and has been growing since the 2000s.

José Alfredo Reckons cultivates two arabica varieties: Pacas and Pacamara, alongside his orchards.

Once the coffee is harvested and depulped, it is placed in bags to ferment for 14 to 18 hours, then spread out on drying beds for 15 to 20 days.

La Hondurita

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